Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Taking advantage of coupons

I have to say I have not consistently been able to save much using coupons. Sometimes one of the grocery stores in the area will have great coupons, or there will be coupons in the store by a certain product that I have at times been able to take advantage of.

This week, however I was able to do quite well with coupons. Safeway.com now has coupons available on their site. They have both store coupons (which you have to use at Safeway) and manufacturer coupons (which you can use anywhere). The other place I got coupons was from kraftfoods.com . You have to set up an account, but then you can print off coupons. The thing I liked this week was that they had coupons for things I use and they were for a $1 off! For instance, they have coupons for a $1 off of Kraft BBQ sauce. Because that is on sale this week at two stores that I know of, I was able to get it for free. Anybody else like free? :) They also had $1 off coupons for Triscuit crackers, Wheat Thins and Ritz crackers, Miracle Whip, and Kraft salad dressing. By using those coupons when they had a good sale at Albertsons, I was able to get the Triscuits and Wheat Thins for $.47 a box and Ritz crackers for $.99 a box.

Great coupons like this aren't always available. So, if they are things you use or want to donate to a food bank, print them off and watch for a great sale.

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